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justice system reform in italy. Justice MINISTER ALFONSO Bonafede participates in a seminar at Sant’Anna school on monday, FEBRUARY 18, 2019. opening welcome remarks from rector Pierdomenico Perata

Publication date: 28.01.2019
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The Sant’Anna School Students’ Association and the Rotary Club Pisa organized a seminar on the “Justice System Reform in Italy” which will be held on Monday, February 18, at 4.45 pm in Sant’Anna School aula magna. Rector Pierdomenico Perata, Matteo Nebbiai, as the representative of the Students’ Association, Alberto Marchesi, President of the Pisa Bar Association, and Tommaso Strambi, President of the Rotary Club Pisa will give the welcome speeches.

Italian Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede will deliver his keynote address at 5.00 pm. Following the keynote speech will be sessions on the reform of the civil justice by Stefano Pulidori, the Secretary General of Pisa Bar Association, and a special presentation on the reform of the criminal justice by Eriberto Rosso, the Secretary General of the Unione delle camere penali. Keynote speakers include Giorgio Fidelbo, President of the Supreme Court and Alberto di Martino, Professor of Criminal Law of Sant'Anna School. Gaetana Morgante, Professor of Criminal Law of Sant'Anna School, will act as the event moderator.